An Outside Update

With grass and tulips coming up in my front yard I thought it was time to take a look at the side of my house. Image I knew I wanted yellow roses under the windows on this side of the house so I zipped over to Lowe’s on Friday before work and picked up four. Image I read mixed reviews on these “body bag roses” but I figured that they were worth a try.  I kept my Lowe’s receipt and figured I’d take them up on their one year warranty if any of them died. Image A storm was looming over the mountains so I thought Saturday before work was as good a time as any to get them in the ground.


The dirt in my yard digs really easily for the first 24″.  Luckily for me I didn’t have to go any deeper than that. 🙂  I put a rose bush under each window (living room, guest room and master bedroom) and then one at the end of the house.


Any moisture I get runs right off my roof so I used that groove in the ground from the run off to line up all the plants.



And then what I thought would be an awesome spring rain turned into a spring snow storm.  Luckily the roses still seem to be doing well and I can’t wait until they start producing those yummy yellow flowers!
