Last thrift of 2013

I was super early for an appointment today and found myself in the “big city” (population: 9,600 and change) and decided to spend my free time hitting the thrift stores.

Boy I’m glad I did!


Grand total for all this (minus the hamper): $16.17.

What I got:


This bed frame doesn’t look like much right now but after a few (probably several) coats of white paint I think you’ll see why I snatched it up for $10.  Originally I thought it was Full size and was willing to either live with it or give my parents the queen for their guest room and buy a full.  To my surprise it’s a Queen.  I can’t wait to tackle this project!


The $6.17 was spent on these items (and tax) and I think I got a heckova deal!  Two new trays for the kitchen and the gold balls for the guest room.  The vase I got because I liked the shape.  I don’t know what I’ll do with it yet.

And because I can’t go to the booming metropolis without hitting up Target I thought I’d show you the steals I got there:


Four stockings (not hot glued together) and a topper for my tree for $4.50 each.  I’m already excited for Christmas 2014 😉

I hope you’re all having a happy New Year’s Eve (or New Year’s Day depending on where you live.)  Because I’m a very exciting 30 something I plan to spend the last hours of 2013 playing board games, puttering around my house and sleeping.  In other words, doing exactly what I want to.
